
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blog #69: Don't be a perv.

Country music singers are the most classically physically attractive people in music.

Granted, I still have a huge thing for the bleeding heart, raw, intellectually driven lyrics sung by bands like Brand New, The Decemberists, and The  Airborne Toxic Event and the raw emotion and authenticity they reveal in performing those lyrics makes them hot enough for me to melt. They are bad boy hot, which let's be honest, I do have a weak spot for when it comes to celebrities and/or fictional characters. I was a HUGE Jess supporter back in the days of Gilmore Girls. If you don't get that reference, talk to me after you watch all 7 seasons. Or at least seasons 2 & 3.

However, when talking pure, physical, classic aesthetics? The rugged "this is 'Merica" look wins. Maybe they just seem more like real guys that I might run into in my day to day life. Maybe it's the huntin' fishin' manly man lifestyle. I don't know what it is, but something about the males in the country music industry is just really attractive to me. Let's just look at the men (because if I look at too many pictures of Carrie Underwood I'll lose hope for my future. Who is allowed to be that pretty AND that talented?)

Exhibit A: Josh Turner

Exhibit B: Billy Currington

Exhibit C: Chris Young

Exhibit D: Heck, even Tim McGraw

Exhibit E: Of course, no ode to the males of country music is complete without my first childhood crush who's mullet needs no introduction. (This is only half a joke. Hair is easily fixable.)

Fine. for any male that is still reading, I'll be fair. I present, Carrie Underwood.

Sigh. I rest my case.

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