
Monday, February 21, 2011

Blog #32: And then I discovered the Broadway XM station.

Good Morning! Before we go any further, a little housekeeping. You are to read this blog entry today not in my super fast talking perky tone, but rather in a raspy smokers voice. Because that's how I'm speaking today for reasons I don't know or understand and I want this blog to be authentic. Add in a little squeak here and there when you think I'm getting excited about something. Now we can move on. My weekend was simultaneously eventful and boring. Friday I had staff meeting stuff for Solace House which turned out to be just enough to make me feel overwhelmed and terrified that I would never accomplish everything I wanted to at my internship without giving up everything else in life I spend my time on like hanging out with my friends or watching Glee. I haven't quite shaken that feeling but I'm dealing with it by pretending it is fine and will work itself out, much like I do many other things. It'll be fine. Instead I just keep exploring my XM radio and find that the joy it provides might be neverending. They have EVERYTHING. Saturday was house cleaning day because I was expecting the one and only illustrious Mandizzle that evening for our roomie date night. I woke up around 9:30, and while in a stupor put some clothes and makeup on and put my hair up. It wasn't until I was walking out my door that I realized that I was wearing a black tshirt with a brown winter scarf and bright green flip flops. None of that made any sense. I turned around and exchanged the flip flops for gray flats, the brown scarf for black, and added a cardigan because it was not tshirt weather. Then, thankfully, I found my glasses in my car so I put them on. It is my belief that adding a pair of glasses to your outfit makes it so you can get away with wearing anything because you are obviously too busy and sophisticated to worry about such things as fashion. Cleaning day was a moderate success. Roomie date night was a HUGE success. We ate great food at Granite City. I got a box for my leftover salad and promptly left it there upon leaving, which is awesome. Then we indulged in Yogurtini and OH MY GOSH HOW COME I'VE NEVER HEARD OF THAT BEFORE? HAVE I BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK? IT IS LESS THAN 5 MINUTES FROM MY HOME. Throughout the evening I began to notice an occasional squeak in my voice and a cough... but insisted it was nothing to worry about and that it was absolutely a good idea to go out to the Pizza Bar and sing at the top of my lungs to Eve 6, Queen, and Katy Perry. Sunday, I learned that I was mistaken. Sorely mistaken. Now I am squeaking and rasping, despite feeling fine, and trying to make it through the work day while my boss mocks me. Living the dream, ladies and gentlemen. Living. The. Dream.

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