
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blog #103: 3 notes.

Just a few things:
1. Yesterday I got to work before 7am and then was at Solace House until after 10pm. I am not complaining because my job is not hard and Solace House is super fulfilling, I just can't help but wonder what life will be like when I only have one job/major obligation. Again, I fully acknowledge that grad school was a choice I made and an amazing opportunity that I had that is a blessing rather than a burden and that there are people out there who have it much more difficult than me. I am still SO glad I am pursuing this degree. I just want to be irrationally whiny for a brief second about how tired I am all the time and how jealous I get when other people talk about doing fun stuff after work and I go do more work after work. Now I'm done and back to embracing an attitude of gratefulness about it all. If push came to shove and someone put a gun to my head and asked me to choose between just job or job + Solace House, I would continue to choose my work at Solace House every time. Carry on.

2. Lenny's Sub Shop in Lenexa is one of my favorite places for lunch. I had been obsessed with their roast beef sandwich but yesterday I discovered their chicken salad kaiser sandwich and I will now proceed to eat that every day with some baked chips and if I'm feeling indulgent, a giant chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie. Throw some lettuce/tomato/pickle on that thing and it's perfect.

3. On Monday night I watched The Sing Off "with" my BFF. The "with" is in quotes because due to her remote location we used DVR technology to synchronize our watching and texting to communicate our thoughts on each performance. Here's a tiny taste of what it was like. We were talking about the all girl group, Delilah here:
Full disclosure: I'm mostly sharing this because I wanted more people to laugh at me for using the term "girl boner"

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