I have been raving and raving about how I’ve been feeling on
this plan and quite honestly, this is the truth.
But today.
Today is hard. Today I miss EVERY FOOD. This is DESPITE the
amazing dinner I made myself last night. Just look at it!
And at this moment not even that amazing dinner sounds good
to me. You know what sounds good to me? Donuts. Bagels. Pizza. OH GOD PIZZA.
Today I woke up easier than I had been, though I had a bit
of a headache. I am coming to the end of my groceries (due to shop Friday) and
my planned breakfast (2 hard boiled eggs, half an avocado, and a couple
clementines) did NOT sound remotely appetizing. I basically choked it down. I
packed my planned lunch (also didn’t sound appetizing) and went to work.
Then, in one of our meetings, someone brought these amazing
custom donuts from Cosentinos. There was Red Velvet, chocolate chip, giant glazed…
but I wanted one of those donuts more than anything. I was still thinking about
them an hour later. My black coffee and water chugging were doing nothing to
help. I knew better than to cave to the sugar craving with a Larabar – because though
it is compliant the motivation for it would not be in the spirit of what I’m
trying to do.
Right next to the refrigerator where I get my water and
store my lunch, there are currently 2 bags of bagels, a box of peanut butter
patties and a box of lemonades (2 of my top 3 girl scout cookie choices). I see
them every time I go to fill up my water bottle. They speak to me. They say “Marissa,
look! All of your favorite carbs and sugar!”
Today is hard. And I am officially out of eggs.
Luckily it’s a beautiful day and I got to be out in the 80+
degree weather being active and allowing my body to use it’s real fuel instead
of a bunch of sugar for my workout before I get back to lead a grief recovery
group (and thus get a nice reminder of what’s REALLY hard… because “having” to
avoid all the yummy things I want is not really HARD.)
#Ihatemondays #nomoreeggsplease #day9
Run, don't walk...to the nearest exit. At this point, it's all we can do. #onethirdfunanddone